
Information about the different types of contraception available and where to find them.

Contraception Choices

There are many types of contraception available and none are perfect.
The Contraception Choices website provides honest information to help weigh up the pros and cons.

NHS – Contraception guide

  • The NHS guide on getting and using contraception.

Sexwise Contraception

Simple advice and information about

  • Contraception
  • STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections)
  • Unplanned pregnancy
  • Sexual wellbeing
  • Planning a pregnancy
  • Physical places where to get help
  • Finding a clinic

Marie Stopes UK

  • The leading provider of sexual and reproductive health in the UK, they specialise in abortion treatments, advice and support for women considering their pregnancy options.


Sexual health and wellbeing for under 25s, information about

  • Contraception
  • Pregnancy
  • STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections)
  • Gender
  • Abuse
  • Wellbeing

Clinic finder

Find the right clinic for you.

NHS Choices

  • The NHS website to find sexual health services according to location.

Abortion services

1 in 3 UK women will have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old. If you’re pregnant and considering abortion you are not alone. Abortion is available for free to those part of the NHS but can also be paid for privately.

Here are some online resources to guide you through abortion, before and after.

Marie Stopes UK

The leading provider of sexual and reproductive health in the UK, they specialise in abortion treatments, advice and support for women considering their pregnancy options. In depth information about

  • Abortion options
  • Abortion aftercare
  • Abortion and your rights

BPAS- British Pregnancy Advisory Service

  • Abortion clinics, information, advice and treatment for before and after abortion.

NUPAS (National Unplanned Pregnancy Advisory Service)

  • Abortion care and sexual health services available to you, as well as services around you.

NHS – Abortion

  • Information about the medical side of abortion

Pregnancy Planning

These links give advice on what to do before pregnancy to increase your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy.

NHS Periods and fertility

  • Information about the menstrual cycle and how to find your most fertile time of month.

Sexwise – Planning a pregnancy

Information on

  • Preparing for pregnancy- making sure you and your partner are as healthy as possible to increase your chances of getting pregnant
  • Being pregnant or trying to get pregnant- information about healthy eating and lifestyle
  • Getting pregnant- information on how conception (getting pregnant) happens, how to find your most fertile time and confirming you are pregnant
  • Why it might take longer than expected to get pregnant

Tommy’s – Pregnancy information

Provides free pregnancy health information to parents-to-be, information on

  • Getting healthy to increase your chances of contraception
  • Ovulation and how to figure out the most fertile time of the month to increase your chances of getting pregnant
  • Fertility and causes of infertility

NHS – Planning your pregnancy

How to prepare a healthy pregnancy, information on

  • Folic acid
  • Stopping smoking
  • Cutting out alcohol
  • Keeping a healthy weight
  • Vaccinations and infections
  • If you have a long-term condition
  • Sickle cell disease and thalassaemia (inherent blood disorders)

Pregnancy complications

Useful links on stillbirth, miscarriage, molar pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy and other pregnancy complications.

Tommy’s- Pregnancy complications >>


Premature birth

A premature or preterm birth is one that is born before 37 weeks.

Tommy’s- Premature birth

Support and information on

  • Treatment and reasons
  • At risk of premature birth
  • Giving birth to your premature baby
  • Your baby’s time in hospital

NHS- Premature labour and birth

Information on

  • When to call your midwife or maternity unit
  • If your waters have or haven’t broken
  • If you’re in premature labour
  • Risks of premature birth
  • Twins and multiples premature birth


Typically defined as foetal death at or after 20 or 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Sands – Stillbirth & neonatal death charity

Sands supports anyone who has been affected by the death of a baby before, during or shortly after birth. Bereavement support is at the core of everything they do. Some of the services that they offer include a

  • Helpline for parents, families, carers and health professionals
  • UK-wide network of support groups with trained befrienders
  • Online forum and message boards enabling bereaved families to connect with others
  • Wide range of leaflets, books and other resources available online and in print

Tommy’s – Stillbirth information and support

Information on

  • Stillbirth symptoms and risks
  • Having a post-mortem
  • Grieving for your baby

NHS – Stillbirth

Addresses the medical side of stillbirth, information on

  • Causes
  • Prevention
  • Treatment


A miscarriage is the natural death of an embryo or foetus before it is able to survive independently.

Miscarriage Association

Information as well as forums where you can talk to people with similar experiences on miscarriage, ectopic and molar pregnancies

Tommy’s- Miscarriage and information

Information on

  • Symptoms of miscarriage
  • What is a miscarriage
  • If you think you are having a miscarriage
  • Why miscarriages happen

NHS- Miscarriage

Addresses the medical causes of miscarriage, information on

  • Symptoms
  • Causes
  • Diagnosis
  • Prevention
  • Treatment

Molar pregnancy

A molar pregnancy is a very rare complication of pregnancy. It occurs when something goes wrong during the initial fertilisation process and the placenta or the foetus do not develop properly.

Tommy’s- Molar pregnancy information and support

Information on

  • Symptoms
  • Factors that increase the risk
  • Treatment
  • Support
  • The future after molar pregnancies

NHS- Molar pregnancy

Information on

  • Symptoms
  • When to get medical help
  • Treatment
  • Post treatment care
  • Post molar pregnancy information

Molar pregnancy

  • Provides information and support to women who are currently, or have previously suffered from a molar pregnancy; it is also a support network for these women

Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilised egg implants itself outside of the womb, usually in one of the fallopian tubes. It affects 1 in 80 pregnancies in the UK and can cause both physical and emotional trauma. Here are a few links and services about ectopic pregnancy that we hope you will find useful.

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Support for people who have experienced ectopic pregnancies and for the people who care for them.

NHS- Ectopic pregnancy

Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancies.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

STIs, previously referred to as STDs, are infections that are commonly spread by sexual activity. Many STIs do not cause symptoms initially. Here are a few useful links on STIs.

Sexwise – STI information

Simple advice and information about

  • Contraception
  • STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections)
  • Unplanned pregnancy
  • Sexual wellbeing
  • Planning a pregnancy
  • Physical places where to get help
  • Finding a clinic

NHS- Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

  • Information on symptoms, when to go to a clinic and what to expect at a clinic.

Terrence Higgins Trust

Advice about sexual health and HIV with

  • Online services on counselling, advice, peer support and other useful links
  • Phone or post services with HIV self test kits, HIV postal kits, chlamydia postal test kits, condoms by post and other useful services
  • Help in your area with HIV testing, STI testing, sexual health information, free condoms and much more

Sex education

Sex education helps people gain the information, skills, and motivation to make healthy decisions about sex and sexuality. Sex education covers issues relating to sexuality, emotional relations, sexual anatomy, sexual activity, sexual reproduction, age of consent, reproductive health, reproductive rights, safe sex, contraception and so on.

Sexperience – Channel 4

  • Part of the Am I Normal project which is a new project from Channel 4 that aims to explore the meaning of ‘normal’, and whether anyone truly fits the label.
  • Videos, insightful articles, and blogs about sexual education with no taboos.

Sex Etc

  • A website aimed at young people, written by young people for easy to understand and access sex education.

Think You Know?

  • Information about sex laws and consent.

NHS- Sex worth talking about

  • Answers all questions about sex as well as how to talk to others around you about it in a normal way.

Young people

Information specifically tailored to young people on sex, contraception, relationships, legislation regarding sex, and more.

Sexperience – Channel 4

  • Part of the Am I Normal project which is a new project from Channel 4 that aims to explore the meaning of ‘normal’, and whether anyone truly fits the label.
  • Videos, insightful articles, and blogs about sexual education with no taboos.

Sex Etc

  • A website aimed at young people, written by young people for easy to understand and access sex education.

Think You Know?

  • Information about sex laws and consent.


Sexual health and wellbeing for under 25s, information about

  • Contraception
  • Pregnancy
  • STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections)
  • Gender
  • Abuse
  • Wellbeing


Free and confidential help for young people, information on

  • Friends, relationship and sex
  • Bullying, abuse, safety and the law
  • You and your body
  • Your feelings
  • Home and families
  • School and work

Centre for Young Women’s Health

  • Clear accessible information for young women about their sexual and mental health, as well as their hygiene and health in general.

Domestic violence

Domestic violence or abuse can happen to anyone. It includes physical, emotional and sexual abuse in romantic or sexual relationships, or between families.

Women’s aid

  • Information, advice and support for people experiencing physical, sexual or emotional abuse from partners or ex-partners.


  • Information, advice and support for men, women and children experiencing physical, sexual or emotional abuse from partners or ex-partners.

24/7 anonymous help-line
