Study Information The P3 Study Assessing women’s feelings and preferences regarding a future pregnancy Welcome!Our research aims to help women have babies by choice, not by chance, to attain the best health they can before becoming pregnant, and to prevent poor pregnancy outcomes, particularly in women with unplanned pregnancies. For most women there are times in their life when they want to avoid pregnancy, and times when they want to have a baby. When they want to get pregnant, there are some things that women and men can do to improve their health and the chances of a healthy pregnancy. This includes stopping smoking, reaching a healthy weight and taking folic acid. But not everyone knows about this and it can be hard to get the right advice at the right time. When they do not want to get pregnant, women need help to choose the method of contraception that suits them best, else they are at risk of having an unplanned pregnancy. Read MoreLet's talk about Unplanned/Unwanted/Unintended Pregnancy Preconception Care/Advice Pre-pregnancy Care/Advice Contraception Family Planning Choice Study ProgressDevelopment of an integrated, community-based model combining contraception and preconception care Addressing reproductive health needs across the life course: and integrated, community-based model combing contraception and preconception care The Desire to Avoid Pregnancy Scale shown to be highly predictive of pregnancy Predictive ability of the Desire to Avoid Pregnancy Scale First paper from P3 Study published Evaluation of the Desire to Avoid Pregnancy Scale in the UK: a psychometric analysis including predictive validity. LMUP Implementation Recruitment ProgressHUH recruitment100% Recruitment at HUH is now closed. UCLH recruitment100% Recruitment at UCLH is now closed. P3 Survey Recruitment Progress12 months follow up838/937 women 12 months follow up is now closed. 9 months follow up935/965 women 9 months follow up is now complete. 6 months follow up884/995 women 6 months follow up is now complete. 3 months follow up913/1000 women 3 months follow up is now complete. 2 week follow up150/150 women 2 week follow up is now complete. 1000/1000 womenSee progress details Thank you to everyone who has joined the study – we now have 1000 women taking part in the study! Latest News & Stories Orchid Consent FormNovember 13, 2024Read more Orchid Privacy PolicyNovember 13, 2024Read more Orchid Information SheetNovember 13, 2024Read more Pilot implementation of the Orchid app to support pregnancy planning, preparation, and prevention. March 14, 2024In the UK, nearly half of all pregnancies are unplanned, which can be a source of significant stress and uncertainty for individuals and couples; navigating unplanned pregnancies can be a complex and emotionally demanding experience. Our research and work to date indicates a clear and unaddressed need amongst individuals of reproductive age for support in developing and achieving their reproductive Read more See all news About P3 Study In this research we are interested in testing some questions about women’s feelings and preferences regarding a future pregnancy. About Our research aims to help women have babies by choice, not by chance, to attain the best health they can before becoming pregnant, and to prevent poor pregnancy outcomes, particularly in women with unplanned pregnancies. Learn MoreOur Project In this research we are interested in testing some questions about women’s feelings and preferences regarding a future pregnancy. These questions have been developed in America, and we want to make sure that they work in the United Kingdom. Learn MoreUCL Team This research is conducted by Dr Jennifer Hall, Dr Geraldine Barrett and Prof. Judith Stephenson from University College London, with Dr Corinne Rocca of University of California, San Francisco. Learn MoreContact For questions about this research, your rights as a subject, or any adverse effects related to the research, please contact: DR JENNIFER HALL EMAIL: TELEPHONE: 0203 108 2040 Learn More View IRIS profile This research is conducted by Dr Jennifer Hall, Dr Geraldine Barrett, Anasztazia Gubijev and Prof. Judith Stephenson from University College London, with Dr Corinne Rocca of University of California, San Francisco. Take a surveyOur twitter... Something went wrong with the twitter. Please check your credentials and twitter username in the twitter settings. Useful Links Contraception Information about the different types of contraception available and where to find them. View Abortion services 1 in 3 UK women will have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old. If you’re pregnant and considering abortion you are not alone. Abortion is available for free to those part of the NHS but can also be paid for privately. View Clinic finder Find the right clinic for you. View Pregnancy Planning These links give advice on what to do before pregnancy to increase your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy. View Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) STIs, previously referred to as STDs, are infections that are commonly spread by sexual activity. Many STIs do not cause symptoms initially. Here are a few useful links on STIs. View Sex education Sex education helps people gain the information, skills, and motivation to make healthy decisions about sex and sexuality. Sex education covers issues relating to sexuality, emotional relations, sexual anatomy, sexual activity, sexual reproduction, age of consent, reproductive health, reproductive rights, safe sex, contraception and so on. View Young people Information specifically tailored to young people on sex, contraception, relationships, legislation regarding sex, and more. View Domestic violence Domestic violence or abuse can happen to anyone. It includes physical, emotional and sexual abuse in romantic or sexual relationships, or between families. View Pregnancy complications Useful links on stillbirth, miscarriage, molar pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy and other pregnancy complications. View 24/7 anonymous help-line Samaritans – Talk to us any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. ViewStudy Partners