Dissemination of P3 Study at Conferences July 12, 2023 June was a month of conferences, with work from the P3 study being presented at three different international events. We presented two posters at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists World Congress in London, on the implementation of the London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy (LMUP) into antenatal care. One poster focused on the findings from the interviews and focus groups we conducted with women and midwives, asking how they felt being asked or asking the LMUP questions. While the other poster focused on the performance of the LMUP, investigating the uptake of the questions and checking that they were working as expected. Dr Hall was invited to give a talk at the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health Annual Scientific Meeting in Glasgow on preconception care and how to bridge the gap between sexual and reproductive health services and maternity care, with findings from all aspects of the P3 Study being included in the presentation. Ms Stewart also presented at this conference, discussing if and how people in the UK prepare for pregnancy, with data used in this work coming from the P3 Study survey. Finally, we presented the co-development of our app Orchid (the app that helps you take control of your reproductive health) at ESHRE 39th Annual Meeting in Copenhagen. This presentation focused on the co-development approach we took to developing our app, highlighting the importance (and many benefits!) of including end users in the development process from the start. Conferences are an important method of disseminating research and presenting at these three conferences over the last month has allowed us to share a wide range of findings from the P3 Study with a large, diverse audience of researchers and clinicians from around the world. Post navigation Findings from the P3 StudyDr Hall on the ‘It All Starts Here’ Podcast