Lights! Camera! Action!

May 24, 2023

The P3 Study Team had an exciting day recently, with Research Midwife Bryony Stoneman and Research Assistant Catherine Stewart filming a role play scenario to illustrate how the London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy (LMUP) could be used in antenatal care.

As we prepare for the wider roll out of the LMUP in antenatal care around the country, we are developing a set of support materials for NHS Trusts and midwives to use. There will be two videos; one on the impacts of unplanned pregnancy on maternal and child health to explain why it is important to ask; and the other showing how it could be done.

The video also highlights some of the key findings from our evaluations at UCLH and Homerton University Hospital, showing that women valued this conversation and midwives found it helped them get to know the woman better and personalise her care. Identifying additional needs that women may have means additional services can be put in place, which can help reduce the risk of poor pregnancy outcomes.

As we continue to plan the roll out we are developing and sharing more tools to encourage best practice and improve the care of pregnant women around the country. But for now – that’s a wrap!